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            1. Hubei Sanfeng Turbine Equipment Co., Ltd.
              Your present location:Home >> News Center >> Company news >> Zhou Xian Wang, Vice Governor of Hubei Province visited our company for inspection and guidance

              Zhou Xian Wang, Vice Governor of Hubei Province visited our company for inspection and guidance


              On December 27, 2017, Zhou Xianwang, Vice Governor of Hubei Province, accompanied by the leaders of Suizhou Vice Mayor Wu Chuming and Guangshui Municipal Party Committee Secretary Huang Jijun, visited our company for inspection and guidance. Xiong Junjie, chairman of the company, attended the reception and briefed Governor Zhou on the new products introduced by the company in recent years and the introduction of foreign advanced CNC machining equipment and the state-of-the-art wind turbine testing center. Focus on our newly developed MVR steam compressor, axial adjustable fan blades, subway fans and other new products.
              Governor Zhou praised the prospect of our company's new product market by visiting the production workshop and product introduction, affirmed the achievements of the company and encouraged us to make persistent efforts to achieve greater success.


              Xiong Junjie, chairman (third from right), introduced the company's production to Zhou Xianwang, Vice Governor 


              Chairman Xiong Junjie (third from left) introduced to Zhou Xiwang, Vice Governor (second from right) about the processing of imported spinning machines of our company


              Chairman Xiong Junjie (third from right) briefed Vice Governor Zhou Xianwang (second from left) on the subway tunnel fan I produced


              Xiong Junjie, vice chairman of the company introduced to the inspection center Zhou Xian Wang situation
